Off the grid 

I spent the past week in Northern California. The day of my arrival coincided with the last day of classes (oops!) which included an “oral final” for my Women & Religion course. I had made prior arrangements to call one of my classmates and take take the oral part ala speakerphone. It worked! I discussed Mary Daly and Amina Wadud’s take on the subject of virginity loudly inside the rental car area. I’m sure my fellow car renters felt like they had stumbled into an educational bonus…or were just appalled. Honestly, I am kinda rooting for the latter.

In addition to educating  society on feminist theory  I did the following in an 8-day period:

1. Slept in a tipi.

2. Had a cliff note version of Shabbat dinner with my parents (their first!)

3. Attended a murder trial (guilty!)

4. Camped with my dad.

5. Watched “Pollyanna” with my  mom.

6. Set up a VFW (Veterens of Foreign Wars) breakfast.

7. Guest taught a group of high school drama students.

8.  Visited with friends.

9. Discussed Boboh-the-cat’s artistic future.

10.  Drank a wine called “you are a redneck if you drinks this.”

11. Made friends with a dog named “Bob.”

12. Survived not having wifi.

…it was a busy week. School starts up again on Thursday. I am most excited for my Hebrew course…hoping my six weeks at Ulpan in Tel Aviv will give me a head start.

A State of Maine: Day 1

IMG_6393 This place is magical. I am officially on my “retreat”.  My accommodations for the next few days are  “yuppie rustic”. Yuppie perhaps only because I have access to wifi & electricity. Rustic as  I have to hike across the grass to the wooden outhouse if a bowel need arises. Fun fact; The outhouse is next to the chicken coop.

Continue reading “A State of Maine: Day 1”

Israel in Pittsburgh

Medusa bagI’ve been visiting one of my best friends and her family in lovely (yes…it really is!) Pittsburgh for the past week.   Continue reading “Israel in Pittsburgh”

Back in the USA. Sigh.

welcoming committee
My amazing welcome committee.

After an emotional goodbye and 14 hours of flying on a craptastic Russian airline…I arrived back in New York City. My adventure in Israel was over. Three of my friends surprised me with signs at the airport which temporarily changed my “F-the world” disposition and we headed home via yellow cab to Brooklyn. Continue reading “Back in the USA. Sigh.”

Definitely NOT Central Park…

biking in Yarkon
biking in Yarkon

Perhaps my standards are a bit high. New York City has spoiled me in the department of parks & rec. I ventured to Yarkon Park via the Tel-O-Fun . It was super easy to get to from central Tel Aviv (15 minutes if even that) however surprisingly small and somewhat bare bones. It reminded me of a smaller version of some of the Sacramento River waterfront. I wanted to rent a paddle boat alas the rental shack was closed. Bummer. Continue reading “Definitely NOT Central Park…”

Side Note.

game face.
Game face.

Change is hard. Really hard. You can only go around in circles so many times before you become completely discombobulated. I had to try something new and January 2015 proved to be perfect timing to take an extended vacation in the land o’holy. I had met a great man in New York City who lives in Tel Aviv, contractually my job was coming to an end and I wanted to travel to see, taste and feel the “Jewish Homeland” that I have heard so many stories about (biblical and…not). So that is what I did. Continue reading “Side Note.”

Chillin in the ‘Viv’.

IMG_1094While my fellow New Yorkers are playing in the snow…I am chilling on a beach facing the Mediterranean Sea. It is slightly chilly which means Israelis are dressed up like Eskimos…but as it is at least 50 degrees warmer than my usual January experience so it feels like summer time (almost). Continue reading “Chillin in the ‘Viv’.”

Day Journey to Jerusalem – part 1

Enroute to the Old City
Enroute to the Old City

The Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv makes the Port Authority bus terminal in NYC look like a glistening church.  If you like cheap hooker clothes sold indoors by chain smoking men and the feeling that at any moment you could be taken hostage, raped or sold into slavery…you will love this station. This being said they do have a bus (with WIFI!) that goes to Jerusalem for 19 shekels. I took it.

45 minutes later as we arrived at the Jerusalem bus depot where I learned that there were kosher McDonalds. Aside from this learning moment I felt unexpectedly emotional. Had I really arrived in the Holy Land? Continue reading “Day Journey to Jerusalem – part 1”

Yaffo, Mike & Eilat.

Study place.Sunday my new Monday. I am sitting at the bar called Mike’s Place. Surreal.  Last year one of my best friends dragged me to a screening of a documentary called “Blues by the Beach”  about a suicide bombing that happened here in 2003 that sadly killed three people and injured around 50.  Sad. Doesn’t seem like this bar would be a target but I have a feeling that the USA Embassy next door perhaps made it an ideal location. Continue reading “Yaffo, Mike & Eilat.”

Great Success!

Tel Aviv public library

Day h’yom ha shlee sheee or something like that of my time in Israel. I learned that saying your 3rd day here was similar to the days of the week.

I spent my morning at the Israel Discount Bank which disappointingly offers no actual discounts. My trusty, hot Israeli man came with me in order to translate and pave the wave for my overly enthusiastic and friendly American demeanor. During our meeting with the banker I randomly sounded out words on signs and cheered when I understood such words as shem (name). I’m sure it was annoying to those around me but I didn’t care and they appeared amused. In a few days I will have my first bank card outside of the USA…this is great as I have 200 shekels left to my name along with a few rubles from the Moscow airport. #progress. Continue reading “Great Success!”